Reading and Soul Painting
I paint on Commission and I do Readings.

"The journey of life", reading painting/soul painting 2021
What is a Reading?
When I do a Reading I connect to the person's energy and then information flows to me. It's like turning on a Television and telling what is shown on the Screen, except that the "Screen" is that what is shown to me in my Third Eye when I am Connected and in Reading Mode.
The Information I receive from your Soul, your Guides and in your Akashic Record is often in the form of pictures, movies, feelings and telepathic messages. The "on button" before I do a Reading is to go into reading mode, say a few sentences and the name of the person I'm going to read. During a Reading, I ask the Soul of the person I'm reading what is meant by what is being shown, and then get in-depth information.
I can be shown (your Soul/Guides show) Past lives, themes in this life, themes in the present and and potential for possible futures. Reading from me is a Clairvoyant reading of your Energy field, your Soul and your Akashic Record. A reading can give you insights about your life and contribute to increased clarity and understanding.
Reading Painting/Soul Painting
Reading Painting/Soul Painting is a combination of Reading and Painting. What is shown in the Reading is anchored in a Painting. When I do a Reading in connection with a Painting, I do a Reading of the person and ask to be shown images, colors and themes for the Painting.
The painting is created from a soul-level Reading. In a Reading, Gifts, Challenges, Life themes, Metaphors and Opportunities are often shown. A Reading Painting/Soul Painting on the wall is inspiration from the Soul. Many who have ordered this type of Painting have given feedback of being seen on a Deep Level, and that the Reading and the Painting are both healing and inspiring.
When ordering this type of Painting, you get a Written Reading of 2-3 pages and a Painting. If you want, you will also receive a Recording with channeled Light language.
Price Reading Painting/Soul Painting painted on linen canvas (incl. Written Reading and Channeled sound recording/Light language):
30x30 cm: NOK 5,000
50x61 cm: NOK 6,000
60x73 cm: NOK 7,000
30% of the amount is due when ordering, and the rest when the painting is finished. Shipping costs are not included in the price.
When I do a Reading I read your Energy Field, your Soul and your Akashic Record. You can be read on questions you have or a topic/theme.
Reading is done remotely by Phone or online via Zoom. Readings can also be done at a distance where I connect to you and write down what I am shown during the reading without us being physically in conversation during the reading (Written Reading).
Currently, I only offer the latter, ie. Written Reading. When ordering a Written Reading, you get a Reading of 2-3 A4 pages and an audio recording with Light language. I have been channeling the Light language since 2006. Light language can activate, raise your vibration and have a healing effect. I will send you the Written Reading and the Audio recording by e-mail when it is finished.
Price for Written Reading including Audio file with channeled Light language is NOK 1,200. Paid in advance.

"Journey of Discovery", reading painting/soul painting 2023